Explore the new

Some people do the same thing over and over again. The same music, the same series, the same food, the same hobbies and so on.
It makes sense to explore the unknown at least occasionally. It makes you feel alive and takes you out of your day-to-day life a little.

What I’m describing here is known as “expanding your comfort zone”, and most people are familiar with it. But I’m writing this article anyway,
to remind you of this again. Sometimes you discover something new and it turns out to be rewarding, and sometimes not. And sometimes you really develop as a result,

because you correct old things that were the wrong approach and your life becomes much better. The whole thing is a lifelong process, you can’t know and master everything. Anyone who says that is arrogant. The truly wise person knows that s/he knows nothing. Of course you don’t know nothing. But with this attitude you open yourself to learn or discover something new.