This is a playful technique to fulfill your wishes or to get closer to them. It is not so much about fulfilling wishes at a rapid pace. It’s more about moving in the direction of what you want so that they are fulfilled at some point. However, it is also a good technique for playfully testing the manifestation with small things or wishes so that you can build up trust in the topic of manifestation.
Imagine you’re in the car and you know that there are lots of traffic lights coming your way. You want to get through the traffic quickly, so you tell yourself:
It would be nice if many of the upcoming traffic lights were green.
It is important that you do it with the right attitude and intention. You should not play the game out of anger. Instead, think about the good feeling you will have if your wish comes true.
Also approach it with the attitude that it wouldn’t be the end of the world if the wish wasn’t fulfilled. Do it with ease. Not in all seriousness.
These are the ideal conditions for this game.
Do not underestimate the power of this technique. For larger wishes, you may need to be patient. With the help of correct manifestation and the application of other correct knowledge, this simple technique will definitely make a difference in your life.
A few examples:
It would be nice if I could experience a joyful, pleasant vacation with great impressions.
It would be nice if it were easy for me to go to the gym and if I achieved my desired figure in a pleasant way.
It would be nice if I could earn more money.
It would be nice if I could find a job that I enjoy.
It would be nice if the sun would shine often in the near future when I have free time.
It would be nice if tonight with my friends would be really great.
Have fun trying it out. 🙂