The prosperity game works like this:
You think of an amount that you can spend fictional. You start with a smaller amount and increase it each time you play the game. Let’s say you start with $100.
Now you pick out things from the internet or other sources that you would buy with that $100. You can also estimate the price.
Now you label remittance slips or make a list in which you write down the goods or services you would buy.
You should spend the full amount if possible.
You can also start with $5,000, for example. If you increase the amount, this means that you keep spending virtual money from time to time. Then you will play it more often. Of course, you can also start directly with $5,000,000 if you can really think big. And then delete the list again at some point and buy other things with it. I once played this game with $1,000,000,000. It wasn’t easy and I had to get really creative to spend all the money. 😀
At some point you will spend millions, and it will no longer be so easy to find things that you would buy with this money.
It’s about thinking big and being able to afford things that you wouldn’t necessarily buy otherwise due to lack of money or frugality. This game is a lot of fun because you can be a dreamer. It helps you if you want more money or wealth. You shouldn’t let this game get you down. Think more about the joy of spending on things you would like to have. 🙂
Here is a quick example:
For a new cool Phone xyz 1200$
For a day trip to a nice City 400$
For a nice Watch xyz 4000$
For a car tuning upgrade 4150$
Cool new Shoes from xyz $250
Give it a try, it’s fun 🙂