People have wondered why I was still able to laugh a lot in the face of bad news in the world. Roses have thorns and every advantage has a disadvantage. Don’t ask yourself why the world is the way it is. Of course you can make a difference in the world. However, you will not be able to change the whole world as an individual. If you let everything drag you down forever, you will never find peace. And even if you deal with problems, you have to be able to say at some point in time: Now I’m going to relax and let go. Concentrate on the beautiful rose and not on the thorns. Don’t take failures too seriously. It happens to me too, and it takes some practice. It doesn’t help to complain too much, it’s better to be in the now and concentrate on the happy beautiful. Of course, I don’t mean that you should ignore your problems. Everything at the right time. This is a short article, but I hope that I have been able to shed some light on this. 🙂
- Start page
- Free learning 1
- What is the law of attraction?
- Disclaimer and critics about the law of attracion
- Giving = Having = Having = Getting
- Having = Having even more
- Intangible and tangible assets. What is exciting about you?
- Your current state. What do you need to know?
- Do the best you can
- Economic basics
- How to mine crypto for free
- High self-esteem = more successfull manifestation and success
- Visualisation training camp
- Celebrate success over and over again
- Is action necessary, and how much of it do you need?
- Why is playfulness important?
- Free learning 2
- Free PDF download link
- Do something for society
- Is it the right wish for me?
- Meditation
- Unfulfilled wishes and doubt
- Be courageous – A short but powerful article about Courage
- About the balancing and stepping forward
- Have you tried?
- How do I find my dream partner?
- Your Intuition
- Take chances
- Absolutely essential life basics
- Everything is available in abundance for all
- As fast as possible and prioritys | Don’t put anything on the back burner
- Free learning 3
- The piniata and acting
- Don’t ask for anything in the here and now and you will get it paradoxically
- Move with love / Actions with love
- Don’t take yourself so seriously
- How you approach other people
- Explore the new
- What might others think?
- Roses have thorns – How you handle the negative
- Your ego
- About being angry and aggressive
- What do you do during a low mood episode?
- Games
- Video Trailer