It may sound weird, but lets assume, that you have 250.000.000$. Once you’re financially literate with the basic knowledge, and avoid stupid mistakes you will not get poorer anymore. You will get even richer! You buy expensive cars, the price will rise. If you buy a mansion in a good location, it will also become more valuable. Other rich people would happily give you 1000$ to eat out without asking. Lets assume you have fallen in love totally with another human, have implemented a good self esteem and are in a good mood. Guess what happens now. Then there would be a lot of opportunitys according to love. It’s the law of attraction. My recommendation is to look at the things you have. A person was nice to you. Recognize that. Someone flirted with you or may has shown signs of attracton or interest. Be happy about it.
You are able to buy a fresh cola, that feels amazing to drink, when it’s hot outside. Be thankful for it.
It’s not always possible and easy. But everyone can do it.
It needs training and repetition, but it’s definitely worth it.