Did you know that outwardly directed anger in physical and verbal form to other people is always stupid?
Yes, actually. Always. Always, always, always, always.
“But I have to express my opinion, don’t I?” Some people would intervene.
You can express your opinion without an aggressive oton.
Nobody can make you angry with high self-esteem. You are just the person who allows yourself to get angry.
Be smart enough to pause your anger and let it out somewhere else. Not among people. It takes time, discipline and practice to master this 100%.
Aggression creates counter-aggression. You can infect others with laughter and they will laugh too. (law of attraction, in this case with quick results)
If you don’t believe me, make your own experiences and you will eventually come to the conclusion that this approach is best. Even if anger can bring (supposed) advantages, which in reality are not advantages at all. Especially in the long term
If you don’t let anything upset you, you will be perceived as a boss. No one is perfect, and it happens to me from time to time that anger can come out in the presence of other people. 🙂