High self-esteem = more successfull manifestation and success

The higher the self-esteem, the better. Many people ask themselves the following questions: Do i really deserve or am i good enough for >insert your wish here<? The answer should be yes, but. If you think you are damaging society or people, thats not a good starting point. With a lack of self esteem you could even do damage unconcsiously. You can boost your self esteem by helping others, be nice to people or delivering value to others. You can also ask yourself the following questions: Where i am good at, what are my talents, whats nice about me? But even if your are not doing this yet, and you are down or feel worthless love and accept yourself as you are. Something personal: It happened to me, that some self esteem issues occoured again, out of nowwhere, even if i have worked on them for years. It doesn’t feel good. But it is a good way to accept that. There are two two videos here, which couldn’t describe it better.

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Ask your self: Whats important for me? What would be good for my self esteem. Examples could be: How would a person with high self-esteem behave in situation xyz? Then behave like this. There is a good simple phrase for the area of self-confidence and self-esteem that you have probably heard before: Fake it until you make it.

Everyone has their ups and downs. That is normal. It is also normal that you react to events that you consider positive with a good state of mind and joy, or you feel good as a result. This is also the case with the negative. But if you have a good self-esteem, thoughts and events will not get you off track so quickly and you will be able to cope with the challenges. It could happen that there are situations where you think you haven’t evolved at all. However, in most cases this only seems to be the case. Especially then it is important to keep going and to really believe, contrary to your perception, that you will master it. We are not machines and especially in challenging moments it is okay to let go and accept the situation as it is. After that you can continue strengthened.

You are ok as you are. Of course, that doesn’t excuse bad behavior. You should do the right thing.
Therapy makes sense for good self-esteem. In principle, this makes sense for everyone. Not just for people who have self-esteem problems. Because almost everyone has at least some self-esteem issues.

Since this site is not primarily about self-esteem, you can search for yourself. Talk to friends about your life. Perhaps with a person who has experience. You can inform yourself on the internet or in books, or perhaps go for coaching or therapy.

What is a double self-esteem?

First of all, I would like to mention that many people talk about self-confidence when a person is self-assured, has confidence in his or her abilities. Or is accepted and feels lovable, attractive and generally valuable.
However, this is wrong. Self-confidence means being aware of yourself. This includes awareness of strengths and weaknesses, knowledge of your own self-esteem problem areas. But also knowledge of the things that are good.
Now let’s talk about double self-esteem. An idea I had one day. This is the state of a person’s self-esteem. For example, in simple and very basic terms: low low, or low high, or medium medium, or medium high, or high high.
To understand this, let’s look at a banknote. If it is crumpled or dirty, it has the same value as a freshly printed banknote. If a person has low self-esteem, for example if the banknote is cracked, but is aware of this, the banknote still has the same value,
that the banknote still has the same value as a non-cracked banknote, the whole thing corresponds to a low-high self-esteem. If the banknote is freshly printed and the person is aware of the high value of the banknote, the self-esteem would be: high high.

This concept is very valuable because you can use it to achieve things in your life that you don’t actually trust yourself to do, or that tend to not be possible due to the state of your self-esteem.
For example, if you are completely insecure, but you are aware of your infinite value. So you know that you are a masterpiece. What you definitely are. In the long run, this understanding pulls every self-esteem upwards. It’s not everything, of course, and improvement can mean hard, long work.
But it works, guaranteed. Read the text more often to understand the whole thing.