Intangible and tangible assets. What is exciting about you?

When it comes to self esteem: A millionaire is not more worthy than an homeless person. A Billonaire is not more worthy than a millionaire. It’s good to know for your self esteem. But in reality, when it comes to money, you can be interesting to others because of your intangible or tangible assets. Or for example for a relationship because of your intangible assets.

Intangible and tangible assets.

If you own an house, a car or money, these are tangible assets

If you can play the piano, are an expert in an area or have any skills, strenghts (being funny as an example) or you have a post-graduate, or investment knowledge, these are intangible assets.

Write down a list with all your strenghts. You also can ask your loved ones and friends about those. Write down a list of all your intangible and tangible assets. Don’t be shy about it, and expand your list step by step in the future.

Improve your assets and focus on your strenghts. This is necessary and goes hand in hand with spiritual manifestation. It’s cool to get out of your comfort zone and learn something new, or improve an asset. It’s sometimes challenging, but definitely worth it. Tip: Learn form the best of the best.

Example: Bens strenghts: Funny, brave, optimistic, positive, respectful, heartfelt. Some intangible assets: Knowledge about sports, crafting knowledge, can build up online shops from scratch, sailing. Some tangible assets: 10.000$, owns an apartment, S&P 500 Index funds worth of 30.000$, a car, a pencil ;-). Maybe he’ll paint a picture that’s worth 50,000$ more than the pencil. I’m joking here, but it’s possible.