This is a complex topic, so I’ll just give you a few important tips that can be implemented quickly.
Dont expect perfectionism
Don’t look for the „perfect“ partner, but for a woman or a man you like and love the person as he/she is. It is a fairy tale. Of course, there may be partners who come close to a dream partner. It would also be unfair to say that there is only one dream partner among 8 billion people.
Regularly give love in your daily life. However, without necessarily demanding. (read the article: Giving = Having = Having = Getting on this Website)
Be happy in the here and now without a partner. If you can’t be happy on your own, you won’t be happy in a relationship in the long term.
Do not try to manifest a very specific person. „It can only be him or her.“ That’s nonsense.
If a person don’t love you, it may change. But don’t try to trick a person into a relationsship with the content described on this website. It’s not smart and won’t work. Think more general.
- Take responsibility and take the initiative. Don’t just wait and hope for luck.
- You can be in a state of love without having a partner.
- Continually build your self-esteem to attract partners with whom you have a great relationship and not a terrible one.
- Be well-groomed and get the maximum out of your outer appearance.
- Do something with your life.
- This is particularly important for men.
For men only: The nice guy phenomenon.
Don’t try to get love and attention through inauthentic, overly nice behavior.
To illustrate this phenomenon, I’ll give you an exaggerated example.
Imagine you gift a woman a villa, 2 luxury cars and a trip around the world on the second date(!). That’s a bit exaggerated, isn’t it?
Nice guy behavior in reality is the behavior of a beggar: “Please give me love. Please please please. Come on.”