You must do at least one of the following things for successful manifestation: Invest: time, money gratitude, effort, continous discipline and trust. Preferably all of the above. Do this continuously in the future.
If you want to make a wish come true, you have to step forward first.
Go in the direction of your wishes. With actions, thoughts or, for example by gathering information or talking to people about it. And with a focus directed towards the wish / goal. The right time is not in the distant future, but either now or in the near future. There may be pauses, but don’t wait for the perfect time. Motivational coaches are right in saying that the perfect time will never come.
The focus on a wish and the energy of a wish is strengthened by moving in the direction of the desire. You can do this by starting and dedicating yourself to the topic again and again.
If you don’t feel good and you want to make a wish come true or want to get in a better state, you have to step forward first. In the short term, this can be very simple. For example, you could listen to music and dance a little, even if you don’t feel like it. It is something that I have learned from Buddhism, among other things.
But I don’t feel like doing that, do I?
Yes, the thing is that you then dance, for example, sadly or angrily. That has its own beauty. And if you’re lucky, it brings something. For example joy, or a nice activity. If not, it is definitely the right action. The same applies to actions or the investment of time, money, gratitude, effort, continuous discipline in the direction of your wish.