Don’t ask for anything in the here and now and you will get it paradoxically

How are you supposed to achieve a goal if you don’t do anything for it?

Or when we talk about manifestation, i.e. materializing. How can you get something without asking for it?

How can you get rich without investing?
You reap as you sow. He who sows much reaps more, he who sows too much still reaps much, only he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly (2 Cor 9:6-15) (Bible)

How can you get everything you want by simply doing nothing?

Is that even possible?

I guess: Yes! This is probably absolute expert manifestation.

You can completely reject desires, move to a mountain shelter or a temple and live a simple life.
But the desire for wishes is still inside you.

I suspect that if you have such a high level of development that you are perfectly happy in a tent with a blanket, water, bread and a bit of salad and have nothing else.
In other words, you are completely immune to the absence and failure of any desire.
You can then simply manifest everything with the snap of your fingers and be showered with abundance.
I’m not entirely sure about this. I’ve read the whole thing in philosophical writings and I think you can benefit from it too, even if you still have desires.
Just try to live this mindset as much as possible. This is an experimental article, but I don’t want to withhold this information from you.