Have a joke: It’s cheap

You can play this comedy manifestation game every now and then. It doesn’t take long and is explained relatively briefly.
Whether something is rated as expensive depends, for example, on how high the average price of something is. If a normal bottle of water costs $10,000, 99.9% of people would rate it as expensive.
However, things are not always valued in the same way and not everyone values the same thing in the one and same way.
You do the following whenever something seems expensive to you that you would like to have, or that you can’t afford but you would like to have. As well as things you don’t necessarily like to have that seem expensive to you.
You say:
Oh, that’s cheap. You pretend to be a multi-billionaire and imagine that you don’t care how much something costs.
A T-shirt for 1,000 dollars? That’s cheap. I’d buy three of them.
A luxury car for $1,000,000? No problem. That’s small potatoes.
You can use other formulations than: That’s cheap. Be creative.
It loosens your mindset and you learn that whether something is expensive or not is only your current judgment based on your experience in life so far.
You learn to think bigger and open yourself up to playing in a different league.
Have fun trying it out. 🙂