How you approach other people

It is not difficult to talk to other people. Anyone can do it. There are people who naturally approach others. You can also become one of these people. For example, by talking about what’s going on or what you notice about your surroundings. You can also start with something very simple like the weather and then intuitively change the subject. It’s better to say something than nothing at all. And if you can’t think of anything at all, then a simple “hello” is enough. Start small and then build up over time. If you are unsure, you are no less valuable than anyone else. There are people who have more experience in this area. Experience makes a master. Fear is never justified. As long as you don’t become disrespectful, nothing can happen to you. Of course, there is no such thing as one hundred percent certainty in life. In most cases, the worst thing that can happen to you is a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, a person who doesn’t want to talk to you or rejects you.

But what’s the point? Here are a few advantages. You could:3

Make new friends.
Find a potential partner.
Find people to work and cooperate with (especially suitable at work/business events)
Learn something helpful from another person.
Your comfort zone could be expanded.
A funny situation could arise.
You could give someone a compliment and sweeten someone’s day and your own.
Pass boring waiting time. (e.g. at the bus stop.)
Or simply have a pleasant conversation.

& more

Have fun trying it out 🙂

Small talk in everyday life

You are in contact with some people in your life anyway: Work colleagues, the supermarket cashier, the person sitting next to you on the train or plane, at events and so on.

What’s wrong with talking to people a little more? Friendly small talk with the people (even if they are strangers) with whom you are in contact for a while anyway. Whether it’s 20 seconds or several hours. Personally, I really enjoy this. Do it in a friendly way, preferably talk about nice things. Then you will have a pleasant experience.