You can move with as much effort, warmth and love as possible when dancing, for example.
Or speak as warmly as possible, almost melodically. And so on
I’ll explain it to you in more detail using an example:
I was once in a disco and I started dancing as lovingly as possible and with total dedication.
This had a direct effect on my surroundings. It had a positive influence, it made others feel good and became a small chain reaction,
so that the people around me became more lively and joyful. Of course there are ups and downs in life and sometimes you don’t feel like doing it.
That’s perfectly fine. I recommend trying it out now and then in your life and you will be surprised by the results.
When you say hello or goodbye to someone, do it with as much love as possible and most of the time you will get it back. It’s a big difference to half-heartedness.
It doesn’t create miracles, but it’s nice to do it from time to time. Do it even when you’re not in such a good mood. Then you’ll loosen up a bit.