This technique is designed to reinforce positivity and maintain a positive focus. In other words, to open yourself up to positive things. I wouldn’t overdo it with this and mostly say it mentally. You can also express positive aspects in front of other people. I would use it more sparingly here so that it doesn’t come across as strange.
You can use it to learn to focus more on the good instead of the negative. With practice, you will be able to do this intuitively without the technique described here and without words. This will open you up to the good and your desires. It will also help you to open up to greater wishes.
This is a beautiful sunset.
I like your outfit.
This bath is really pleasant.
I like the color of this car.
This music is fantastic.
This walk in the forest is really refreshing.
What I like about Sam is that he’s so likeable.
This tv series is really funny.
My new haircut looks very cool.
You can play this game anywhere, at home, while traveling, at work, in the company of other people, alone and so on.
It will help you to see the good in what you already have, which will attract even more good. If you are angry or not in a good state, it will also work. But it is a little more difficult. You can also play this game afterwards when you remember situations or write a diary entry.