This technique is for people who have debts. Regardless of whether it is consumer debt, credit card debt or smaller or larger amounts of debt. In the best case scenario, you will be able to repay larger amounts through this game, or get discounts on products, for example, or earn more. This is particularly useful if the debt is weighing you down emotionally and financially. At some point, you will hopefully have paid off the amount you owe.
There are several ways to do it.
1 You buy yourself a cash book in which you write down the monthly amounts and the company or institution to which you owe money. Each time the payment is due, you double the amount of the payment. For example, if you pay back an installment of 50$, you double this number (100$) and write it down next to the company. So you have (not actually) but virtually paid back double the amount.
2 You do the same in a small notebook that you can find in any stationery store or supermarket.
3 You do the same thing continuously in an excell document
4 If you are good at editing pictures, create an account history (just for you personally!) in which the double amount is visible and the payment history of the invoices paid so far. This is a somewhat modern variant.
There are several ways to do this. You can start with the largest debt or installment amount, wait until it’s paid off, and then move on to the next one. You can also do it with all payments at the same time.
Try to make it as realistic as possible and don’t make it sloppy. Have fun trying it out. 🙂