Unfulfilled wishes and doubt

It happend to me that i had fun using manifestation techniques, but then reality hit hard. I couldn’t believe that what i had enthuiasticly wished for would come true and got sceptic. It is very easy to manifest a single penny. You can try it. Visualize a penny a few times, believe that you’ll get it and you will find this in a few days.

Some books tell you that that there is no difference between big and small wishes.

This is wrong.

This is also but not only because of your believe system.

It is easier for a multiple billionaire to manifest great material desires. The point is not that they already have the money to buy everything they want. One point is that it seems realistic for those who believe in it. In this case, the billionaire.

Some Obstacles:

-You think you are not deserving your wish.

-For you, a certain desire seems unrealistic because of your current situation.

You do not trust the law of attraction in combination with all natural and scientific laws that apply. This includes success achieving habits and actions.

-You can not believe that it is possible for you.

-You have to really want it and put time, effort an energy into it.

-Don’t be naive, you also have to take action and do the right things. It also requires work, which can be uncomfortable and for which you have to discipline yourself.

  1. Give your wishes attention and energy over and over again.
  2. Work on your faith so that it can be fulflled. This can be done with small wishes in an area will give you proofs and results.
  3. This takes place in small steps. (Tip: small actions over and over again can create huge results over a long time.)

There may be bad news. Sometimes it can take years for a wish to come true. And it may manifest differently than you thought. You thought something would be good for you. But in reality it would not be. A different fulfillment of the wish will possibly satisfy you much more. And more importantly, it would actually be better for you.

I can’t teach you everything on this website. This is not possible. But I hope you understand what it’s all about. I can show you how to swim. But swimming itself needs practice and experience. One of high form of learning is to apply things and make your own experiences. And never give up. 🙂