What is the law of attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the thesis that what corresponds attracts each other. It is about the relationship of your inner world to your outer circumstances. "Do i have to feel always good, to attract wishful things?" No. Humans have their ups and downs. Even with long downtimes in your life you can attract your hearts desires. It is all about:

1. Knowing what you want.
2. Improve your mindset. The best way, is to do do this in a playful way.
3. Do the right actions, that are necessary in a specific area. Additionally you need to know what is important in an area. (areas could be for example: money, or a relationship)
Examples: You want to have more money. Then you need to know the rules of money and implement them into your life. Yes, there are money rules which are explainend on the economic basics page. It is possible that you'll get money as a gift. But in most cases you could do: >>Investments, manifest a job, that you like. Or start a business devlivering value to people.<< to attract money.

By manifesting, I mean that your desires materialize or that you create pleasant life experiences for yourself.