What might others think?
Almost nobody is completely free from attaching importance to what others think. There are people with high self-esteem who don’t care what others think.
However, most people do care what their friends, family or partner thinks. People think completely different things about you. If you give too much importance to what others think,
it handicaps you. It can stop you from realizing your goals and desires. It can stop you from just being yourself. And it’s a waste of energy if your thoughts are circling around it too much.
Besides, everyone is more interested in themselves than in you anyway, is busy with their own lives and has their own personal challenges to deal with.
Hey, even if you embarrass yourself once, the whole thing is quickly forgotten,
and if some time passes, completely forgotten. Try to have the mindset of not caring what others think. This takes time, patience and practice. But don’t be rebellious and do extra things to show that you don’t care.
That’s going in the wrong direction. What you think about yourself is much more important. And these thoughts should ideally be positive and friendly towards you. If a person constantly thinks bad and nasty things about you,
and in the worst case expresses this, don’t worry about it. In bad cases, you can sort these people out and maintain your self-confidence. Or you defend yourself by telling them.
If you really want to achieve something worthwhile, you have to master this topic. Otherwise you will block yourself and do nothing because of your insecurity. I admit that I personally am not perfect in this topic. In this article, I have tried to give you the best possible information I could think of. 🙂